Wheels & Wings Varberg 2011
2011-07-26 & 00:23:08 Publicerat i:Bilträffar
Här kommer bilderna från Wheels and Wings 2011 eller ett urval av alla bilder..
Ett stort tack till vädergudarna att det var fint väder en av dagarna iaf!
Jag säger bara SVENSK SOMMAR!
Som vanligt var det många fina bilar, många öl, massor av fula brudar (jag kände mig vääääldigt snygg i skaran måste jag säga), mycket skrot och en hel del Raggers!! En riktigt bra Bil helg med andra ord!
Ett litet minus till att det skulle ta en sån evinerlig tid att ta sig ifrån området med bilen, 2 timmar är inte riktigt ok!
Det kommer mera
Christina Aguilera - Candyman
2011-07-26 & 00:05:56 Publicerat i:I Love Music
Såååå snygg hon är!
Vill ha en sådan vit dräkt..
Hmmm dags att sy lite kanske..
Where is my Candyman?
/Sailor Jo
Ny "Dress".....
2011-07-22 & 04:12:47 Publicerat i:Sweet Jessy
Har snart gjort klart en Army / Airforce dress till My Sister Sweet Jessy! Bilder kommer när den är helt färdig!
Lite inspiration kanske?!?
Pin it up!
/ Sailor Jo
Blue, red & White...
2011-07-13 & 18:28:03 Publicerat i:Sailor Me!
"A thing of beauty, is a joy forever"
Sailing away
/Sailor Jo
A sailor´s prayer...
2011-07-13 & 00:04:10 Publicerat i:Tänkvärt
A Sailor´s prayer, en dikt av Mac Macgovern
"A sailor stands on the bow of his ship,
the wind, accelerated by her passage,
cutting deeply, pushes against his slender frame,
momentarily interrupting his thoughts,
as he balances, to counter the force,
raising his eyes, witness,
the stars shine intensely,
on this, blackest of nights,
flicker, producing a sight,
breath taking in its magnificence,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts
A sailor stands on the shore,
looking toward the horizon far and wide,
a gentle breeze is created,
by waves as they splash against, white sugary sand,
mussing his hair, raising locks, into the air,
to resemble the crest of a cockatoo,
staring intently into the depth,
crabs, scurry along the bottom,
a dolphin leaps, exhilarated at first light,
a passerby, pauses, delights at the sight,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts
A sailor lays in a mud slick hole,
looking ahead, at the top of a small hill,
the air is stiff, unmoving,
stifling, after midday thunderstorms,
providing no comfort to wet, cramped limbs,
staring intently at the hill,
a plane, comes from nowhere,
strafing along its crest,
shouts of pain reverberate,
throughout the narrow valley,
soldiers near, cheer at their demise,
showing no remorse as they die,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts
A sailor affectionately guides his ship,
higher through clouds, to crystal blue sky,
gives her lead, stretches,
racing toward, yet never reaching the horizon,
far below an eagle soars, towns, of various size,
pass quickly, commercial aircraft, on scheduled route,
appear to stand still, in the wake of his crafts,
incredible speed, he sees none of this,
eyes wide open, sees only the vision in his thoughts
Eyes wide open, countless times a day,
related not to time, or circumstance,
sailors performing daily tasks,
seconds to minutes every day,
pause, eyes wide open,
see only the vision in their thoughts,
as they pray
A retired sailor sits at his computer,
staring at a cursor blinking, constant,
annoying, a reminder, of passing time,
the television, plays in the background,
dinner being prepared, produces the usual sounds and smells,
a cat lies quietly upon his lap purring contentedly, he pays attention to none of this,
eyes wide open, sees only the vision of his thoughts,
as he prays
Lord, here my prayer,
send your angels,
to guard well, we sailors,
serving in your fleet,
protect us from harm or defeat,
give us guidance and wisdom,
to pursue diplomacy and peace
instead of hatred and war,
chosing life, over death,
when I die, permit me to appear first,
at your gate,
allow the devil to think I'm late,
and, before he realizes his mistake,
grant me entrance, and assign me to serve,
life eternal, in your heavenly fleet "
Denna helgen! 15 - 16 Juli 2011
2011-07-12 & 23:48:44 Publicerat i:Bilträffar
Arrangörerna för denna Bilträff är.....
En tjuvtitt på årets Cruising runda, lite nya regler för i år!
Kör lungt och drick med måtta!
/ Sailor Jo
Smokey and the Bandit, Nu blåser vi snuten.
2011-07-09 & 02:06:22 Publicerat i:I Like
Lite nostalgi!
Smokey and the Bandit, Nu blåser vi snuten från 1977.
Burt Reynolds och Sally Field
Smokey & Frog
Smokey and the Bandit Originaltrailer från 1977.
East Bound and Down, Jerry Reed.
Loaded up and truckin´
/ Sailor Jo
Sailor Jo som pinuppa
2011-07-04 & 22:57:39 Publicerat i:Sailor Me!
Nå....vad tycks?
Gooood or Baaaad
2011-07-02 & 00:04:50 Publicerat i:Tips och trix
Lite rolig inspiration så här på sommaren...
Pinup frisyrer,enkelt med bandana. Susie Brown från JaneDear girls visar hur!
Riktigt snygga retro, pinup, rockabilly frisyrer!
Snyggt och inte alldeles för mycket! "pinupSminkgenomgång"
Baby you where born this way
/ Sailor Jo
Tisdagsträff i Lödde 28 juni 2011
2011-07-01 & 23:19:11 Publicerat i:Bilträffar
En riktigt härlig eftermiddag och kväll i Lödde.
Fint väder många människor och riktigt fina bilar.
Och så klart en massa fina bilder!
Mamsen fixar fikan.
Denna bilen ställde sig brevid våran! Den fick väääldigt mycket uppmärksamhet, en riktigt fin bil!
Lite crome under motorhuven är aldrig fel.
En sån här kan jag tänka mig att studsa runt i....
Eller den här kanske?
Pinup and out
/Sailor Jo