Live & Die...

2011-11-26 & 00:03:01  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

Desperate Housewife

2011-10-19 & 08:00:00  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

Har ni glömt?!?

2011-10-18 & 22:18:09  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

I så Fall tycker jag att ni ska göra det direkt!!

Prenumrera på Sailorjo på Bloglovin

Finns länk------------------------------->

Vadå desperat!!! Men kom igen nu för F#N!


2011-10-16 & 23:42:00  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.
Honore de Balzac

I have e dream

2011-09-26 & 10:43:29  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt
"The best way to predict your future is to create it!"


2011-09-22 & 13:05:01  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

Känner du dig träffad?

2011-09-21 & 22:05:00  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

"He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot."

Just nu..

2011-09-20 & 17:45:01  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

Är jag väldigt trött på människor som är "bakåtsträvare" tänk framåt på det som komma skall. Man kan inte alltid gå och trampa i samma gamla tråkiga "rutiner"!

Alltså ett stort minus till folk som motarbetar min kreativitet!


2011-09-19 & 20:52:00  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

"En sann vän är en sällsynt fågel."

Hey! du följer min blogg genom Bloglovin VÄL!

I Dare Do U?

2011-09-16 & 21:48:00  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality."


2011-08-30 & 20:40:43  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.

A sailor´s prayer...

2011-07-13 & 00:04:10  Publicerat i:Tänkvärt

A Sailor´s prayer, en dikt av Mac Macgovern

"A sailor stands on the bow of his ship,
the wind, accelerated by her passage,
cutting deeply, pushes against his slender frame,
momentarily interrupting his thoughts,
as he balances, to counter the force,
raising his eyes, witness,
the stars shine intensely,
on this, blackest of nights,
flicker, producing a sight,
breath taking in its magnificence,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts

A sailor stands on the shore,
looking toward the horizon far and wide,
a gentle breeze is created,
by waves as they splash against, white sugary sand,
mussing his hair, raising locks, into the air,
to resemble the crest of a cockatoo,
staring intently into the depth,
crabs, scurry along the bottom,
a dolphin leaps, exhilarated at first light,
a passerby, pauses, delights at the sight,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts

A sailor lays in a mud slick hole,
looking ahead, at the top of a small hill,
the air is stiff, unmoving,
stifling, after midday thunderstorms,
providing no comfort to wet, cramped limbs,
staring intently at the hill,
a plane, comes from nowhere,
strafing along its crest,
shouts of pain reverberate,
throughout the narrow valley,
soldiers near, cheer at their demise,
showing no remorse as they die,
he sees none of this, eyes wide open,
sees only the vision in his thoughts

A sailor affectionately guides his ship,
higher through clouds, to crystal blue sky,
gives her lead, stretches,
racing toward, yet never reaching the horizon,
far below an eagle soars, towns, of various size,
pass quickly, commercial aircraft, on scheduled route,
appear to stand still, in the wake of his crafts,
incredible speed, he sees none of this,
eyes wide open, sees only the vision in his thoughts

Eyes wide open, countless times a day,
related not to time, or circumstance,
sailors performing daily tasks,
seconds to minutes every day,
pause, eyes wide open,
see only the vision in their thoughts,
as they pray

A retired sailor sits at his computer,
staring at a cursor blinking, constant,
annoying, a reminder, of passing time,
the television, plays in the background,
dinner being prepared, produces the usual sounds and smells,
a cat lies quietly upon his lap purring contentedly, he pays attention to none of this,
eyes wide open, sees only the vision of his thoughts,
as he prays

Lord, here my prayer,
send your angels,
to guard well, we sailors,
serving in your fleet,
protect us from harm or defeat,
give us guidance and wisdom,
to pursue diplomacy and peace
instead of hatred and war,
chosing life, over death,
when I die, permit me to appear first,
at your gate,
allow the devil to think I'm late,
and, before he realizes his mistake,
grant me entrance, and assign me to serve,
life eternal, in your heavenly fleet "

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